Acne Care for Your Skin

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Acne Care For Your Skin

If you have skin that is prone to acne and produces pimples you need to establish a good routine for the care of your complexion. Your skin needs attention and the situation can become frustrating since acne will disappear to come back with a vengeance when you do not expect it. But if you take care of your body inside and out, you will obtain a healthy and clear complexion.

RULE # 1: Be aware of hair conditioners. They contain silicone and a transparent thin film can stick to your skin making it hard for your skin to breath, congesting your pores. Wash your face well after rinsing your hair.
RULE # 2: If you are active in sports, make sure you wash your face well after exercising since sweat and dirt will clog your skin.
RULE # 3: Never go to bed without cleaning your face well. Special attention needs to be paid to make-up residue on your face and neck. Your cleanser should be gentle and effective without leaving your skin dry and irritated.
RULE # 4: In the morning, ALWAYS wash your face.
RULE # 5: Do not over-moisturize your skin. You probably have enough natural oil.

Diet Matters

This is your minimal daily requirement of healthy foods:

Yogurt (has to contain natural bacilli, organic if possible). If you don’t eat dairy, you should be taking probiotics daily.

  • 1 apple and another fruit of your choice (I like mangos).
  • Avoid sugar substitutes, sodas, prepackaged prepared foods and trans fats.
  • Have at least 2 servings of fresh vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water.

Vitamins Are A Must

  • D3 5,000 units a day
  • Ascorbyl Palmitate (a special form of vitamin C) – 1,000mg in divided doses
  • Zinc
  • Fish oil

When Do You Come To My Office For Help?

You are doing your best at home, but your pimples don’t leave you alone, or your skin feels irritated, or you are getting acne scars or even hard nodules; now you should see a doctor (me!).

Laser treatments are very good at clearing your skin. Medical microdermabrasion facials can also be very helpful. And microneedling is great for acne scars. Doctor’s supervised, individualized skin care products are also available. In certain circumstances, antibiotics might be used.

Love your body, love your skin.

Dr. Aurora DeJuliis

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