Beautiful Skin Through Menopause and Beyond

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You can have beautiful skin through menopause and beyond by concentrating on repairing and regeneration for health and vibrant skin.

Right from the embryo stage, the skin is linked to the intestine: a healthy digestive system translates into a healthy skin.

Key steps on how to boost skin health through nutrition:

  • Limit simple sugars. It is important to decrease circulating blood sugars in order to decrease cell aging.
  • Calorie control. Decreasing calories helps stimulate the longevity of our collagen and produce longevity enzymes.
  • Boost your immune system through good intestinal bacteria.
  • Healthy skin loves good-quality fats. Increase your omega 3 and 6 intake, and avoid trans-fats.
  • Maintain a high level of good cholesterol (through increasing fat in your diet), in order to make the required amount of hormones necessary for a beautiful skin.
  • Avoid a vegetarian diet. Our skin needs large amounts of amino acids (collagen building blocks) from animal proteins.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Boost your skin’s ability to repair itself through healthy habits:

  • Get enough bright light. The skin follows a day-night cycle. Serotonin, produced during the day with enough bright light, helps the skin to stay healthy. Melatonin, a potent antioxidant and immune system booster, is produced at night. That is why nothing is better for a radiant skin than a good night’s sleep!
  • Increase physical activity. Staying active is the secret to a healthy bone structure, good muscle tone, and improved circulation. A super-efficient blood flow delivers oxygen to every cell and helps to repair and regenerate DNA.
  • Keep your hormones in balance. Estrogen maintains good collagen production and increases elasticity of the skin.

Love Your Skin.

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