Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Montclair, NJ

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones (BHRT) are a natural alternative to well-known prescribed hormone replacement treatments. Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants and are compounded by licensed pharmacies and used to replace a woman’s natural hormones that are decreased or lost during and after menopause.


They differ from pharmaceutical hormone replacements because their chemical structure resembles the natural human hormones. By contrast the pharmaceutical ones, usually derived from pregnant horses, have a very different chemical structure from the human hormones.

Bioidentical hormones are very safe and can be made into creams (most popular) or pills, according to the individual preference. Since they are medications, a regular prescription from a physician is required.

Hormone replacement is not unique to women; men can suffer from lack of testosterone as well. Natural testosterone is available from compounding pharmacies.

Dr DeJuliis has been prescribing BHRT for over 20 years and is a member of the North American Menopause Society. Dr DeJuliis offers a complete pre-treatment consultation that reviews the patient’s recent medical history, including medications, blood tests, supplements and diet. She can undertake the required comprehensive hormone blood tests in order to assess the individual levels in the privacy of her treatment rooms. The results are discussed with the patient and a plan for hormone replacement is made tailored to the individual needs. Because each patient is unique, the dose of the hormones varies according to the test results.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy FAQs

How do bioidentical hormones differ from traditional hormone treatments?

Although both come in  a variety of different forms, their chemical makeup is different. Bioidentical hormones are plant derived and their chemistry resembles the female hormones.  Pharmaceutical hormones made by drug companies  are extracted from the urine of pregnant mares.They do not resemble  the woman’s chemistry, they have an  estrogen level that is high enough for a horse not for a woman. 

Bioidentical hormones are made by compounding pharmacists and as such their dose can be customized and tailored to the individual needs. 

Is Hormonal Replacement Necessary?

Women and men experience hormone level fluctuations throughout their life, due to a variety of factors including environmental and lifestyle influences, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause (andropause for men). Imbalances of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can lead to symptoms such as night sweats, mood changes, hot flashes and even anxiety and depression. Loss of sex drive and bone loss can also occur due to low estrogen levels. Hair loss, muscle loss and other issues can arise from low testosterone. Hormone therapy can help restore balance and alleviate or eliminate these conditions.

Replacing hormones will improve your quality of life. Estrogens are very important for  collagen production. Five years into menopause 30% of collagen is lost and will never come back.

Estrogens are important for gum health, vaginal lubrication and elasticity. 

Estrogens have a protective effect on bone health  and osteoporosis. Some women will need to replace Testosterone as well. 

What forms does BHRT come in?

Bioidentical hormones can be delivered in pill, cream, gel, patch, injection, pill or pellet form. Pellets are inserted into the lower abdominal or upper buttock area and release small doses of hormone over time.

Are there any side effects with BHRT?

BHRT is well tolerated. Side effects are rare. But since they are medications and prescribed by a physician, they can present some side effects when they are not used properly. There is no scientific evidence they increase the chance of breast cancer. It is important to follow the medical provider guidelines, get routine mammograms and yearly gynecological exams.

What are the most common hormones in BHRT?

Although individual treatments vary, the hormones typically prescribed are estradiol, progesterone, estriol and testosterone.


Areas we serve for hormone replacement therapy.

The Aurora Dejuliis European Medical Spa is located in Montclair New Jersey. Conveniently serving patients from Montclair, Bloomfield, Glen Ridge, Verona, Brookdale, Cedar Grove, The Caldwells. Clifton, Belleville, Little Falls Newark Livingston  all of Essex, Passaic, Morris, Bergen and Hudson county. 

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Dr. Aurora DeJuliis prides herself on her reputation for excellence, trust and compassion. Dr. DeJuliis was born and raised in Rome, Italy. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Rome in Medicine and Surgery. Her specialized training continued in Paris and Rome where she studied skin rejuvenation and anti-aging modalities well before they were readily available in the U.S. For over 20 years, Dr. DeJuliis has been a leader in the fields of anti-aging, beauty, nutrition, and aesthetic medicine.

Book a consultation with Dr. Aurora DeJuliis to learn how we can help you “love your skin and look your best!”


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