Menopause: Why I Recommend Hormone Replacement

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More than 20 years ago, the National Institute of Health recommended women stop taking hormone replacement after menopause. The decision was prompted by the assumption that estrogen and progesterone replacement was a risk factor for breast cancer.

Millions of women abruptly stopped hormone replacement and, without any clear guidelines from the medical establishment, were left suffering in the dark. To ward off hot flashes, they were encouraged to dress in layers. For mental fog, irritability, and unhappiness, their physician pulled out the script for antidepressants.

Twenty years later, medical research has found that the original studies that prompted physicians to stop hormone replacement were incorrect!

Nowadays new studies are emerging and showing the overwhelming benefits of hormone replacement (1).

To mention a few: hormone replacement decreases the risk of diabetes, colon cancer, and osteoporotic fractures, as well as a 30% decrease in death from all causes.

The North American Menopause Society (of which I am an active member) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists concluded that hormone replacement is very safe in healthy women.

I have been a strong believer in using bioidentical hormones for over 20 years. As a user, I am their best ambassador and I have been safely prescribing them to my patients.

Estrogens are your fountains of youth! These are just a few reasons why every woman should consider using them after menopause:

  • Estrogens are the building blocks of your collagen. They keep your skin firm, moisturized, and elastic.
  • They keep your bones healthy and your muscles in shape.
  • They are important for brain health, including your ability to concentrate.
  • They keep your gums healthy, and your vaginal wall thick and moisturized.
  • As you age, lack of estrogens will encourage fat deposit in your stomach. An enzyme called aromatase helps to transform these fat cells into estrone (E1). Estrone is a weak and pro-inflammatory form of estrogen that tries to make up for the lack of the more effective form of estrogen, called estriol (E2).

Hormone replacement is a woman’s personal choice, but the more you know the better decisions you can make.

As always: Love your Skin.

(1) Clinical Trials in Menopause, Menopause, February 2018.

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