How Can You Treat Adult Acne?


With more than 10 percent of men and 20 percent of women still contending with acne into their 40s, pimples and blemishes are not merely a teenage hormonal problem. Stress, diet, medications, hormones, and genetics can determine if you have adult acne.

Don’t keep hoping you’ll outgrow your acne. Discover treatment options that can alleviate the redness, blemishes, and scabbing associated with adult acne at The Aurora DeJuliis, MD European Medical Spa in Montclair, NJ!

How to Treat Adult Acne


Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy or photofacials can do a world of good for adult acne. This non-surgical treatment improves skin texture and discoloration. IPL uses light energy at varying wavelengths to heat deep layers of the skin, removing cells that leave your skin spotted.

IPL can treat more than one skin malady at once, improving your complexion, reducing scars, lessening rosacea redness, making freckles less visible, lessening fine lines, treating broken blood vessels, and stimulating fibroblasts to make new collagen fibers.


You may also consider collagen induction therapy or microneedling for adult acne. During this procedure, fine needles gently puncture the skin, triggering an increase in elastin and collagen. Microneedling can also boost your skin’s healing process, helping those long-lasting blemishes finally go away.

Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can also potentially help solve your adult acne woes. PRP is in the blood and full of proteins and growth factors, which help to trigger cellular healing.

Microdermabrasion Facials, Chemical Peels, and Medical Therapy

Microdermabrasion facials use a specialized medical device to remove damaged skin layers and aging skin cells. This treatment can help with mild to moderate acne while also minimizing the appearance of whiteheads and blackheads.

Chemical peels effectively treat acne by using a chemical solution to gently exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells. This treatment also works well in clearing clogged pores and treating hormonal acne.

In certain cases, medication may be prescribed by Dr. DeJuliis to help treat the underlying cause of persistent adult acne.

Which Treatment Is Right for Me?

Your adult acne treatment depends largely on your skin, unique needs, and personal choice. In many cases, a combination of treatments can produce the best and most efficient results. Book an appointment with Dr. DeJuliis today to discover an adult acne treatment plan that best fits you and your needs.

Treat Your Adult Acne With Professional Services From Dr. Aurora DeJuliis in Montclair, NJ

Don’t allow adult acne to destroy your self-esteem. At The Aurora DeJuliis, MD European Medical Spa, we offer several non-surgical skin care options that can help treat acne and scarring, helping you feel confident in your skin at last.

Set up your consultation through the online contact form or call 973-338-6300.

Love your skin.

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