Stretch Mark Removal Treatments

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are created when the skin has been stretched too far or too fast, such as during puberty, pregnancy, or weight loss. The hormone glucocorticoid is responsible for the development of stretch marks. It blocks the fibroblasts from producing collagen and elastin, both necessary to keep the skin taut. As the skin is stretched, the lack of supportive material leads to tearing of the dermis and epidermis.

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Fractional laser light breaks down stretch marks and improves the appearance of the skin. The treatment is very comfortable and takes a few minutes. Multiple sessions might be necessary depending on the severity of the skin damage.

Microneedling also works very well at making stretch marks less visible due to its ability to stimulate new collagen fibers.

Stretch Mark Removal FAQs

How are stretch marks treated?

There are two cosmetic procedures that are very effective when it comes to treating stretch marks. One is laser light therapy, which can help promote collagen growth and improve elasticity in the skin. The other is microneedling, which uses tiny needles to effect collagen growth. The latter is the preferred method of treatment for those with darker skin as it is less likely to cause pigmentation changes.

How does laser stretch mark removal work?

Laser treatment aims to treat stretch marks by removing the outer layer of skin to help restructure it. Beams of light are concentrated in the affected area to encourage new collagen growth. There are two types of lasers used for this procedure: ablative, which destroy the upper skin layer, and non-ablative, which target the underlying areas rather than destroying the upper layer. The best option depends on the severity of your condition.

How does microneedling stretch mark removal work?

Microneedling involves a pen with fine disposable  needles that make microscopic holes in the skin, promoting new collagen and elastin growth. This in turn improves the tightness of skin, reducing the appearance of stretch marks and other imperfections. Your doctor will determine if microneedling is the best option for you, or if laser treatment will be more effective.

Dr. Aurora DeJuliis has been successfully treating stretch marks combining microneedling with PRP. In our office we take your blood sample, place it in a centrifuge and separate the red cells from the plasma. This is rich in growth factors and studies have shown that growth factors once injected into the skin have the ability to grow high quality collagen fibers. 

The collection of your blood sample and its transformation into plasma is done in the comfort of our medical office right in front of your eyes. 

Vivace, using fine disposable needles that open channels into the skin to induce fresh collagen production, delivers RF (A form of energy) that has the ability to stimulate fibroblasts to make collagen fibers and tighten the skin.

Am I a candidate for stretch mark removal?

Not everyone is a candidate for stretch mark removal.  Recent stretch marks are easier to remove than old ones. If you gained or lost a lot of weight, went through pregnancy, experienced a growth spurt or built a lot of muscle, these marks may be more pronounced.  The degree and depth of stretch marks is genetic. Some patients develop them easier than others. 

A comprehensive consultation with your doctor will answer your concerns and help you to establish the treatment that will work best for you.

How long does the procedure last?

For laser stretch mark removal, the procedure can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on the depth, color, size and location of the stretch marks. If you opt for numbing cream to help reduce discomfort, you will have to wait 30 minutes for it to kick in before the procedure begins. Microneedling for stretch mark removal takes about 30 or so minutes, again depending on the area being treated. Both will likely require multiple visits to achieve your desired results.

Areas we serve for stretch mark removal.

The Aurora Dejuliis European Medical Spa is located in Montclair New Jersey. Conveniently serving patients from Montclair, Bloomfield, Glen Ridge, Verona, Brookdale, Cedar Grove, The Caldwells. Clifton, Belleville, Little Falls Newark Livingston  all of Essex, Passaic, Morris, Bergen and Hudson county. 

A Nationally Recognized Leader in Anti-aging Medicine

Dr. Aurora DeJuliis prides herself on her reputation for excellence, trust and compassion. Dr. DeJuliis was born and raised in Rome, Italy. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Rome in Medicine and Surgery. Her specialized training continued in Paris and Rome where she studied skin rejuvenation and anti-aging modalities well before they were readily available in the U.S. For over 20 years, Dr. DeJuliis has been a leader in the fields of anti-aging, beauty, nutrition, and aesthetic medicine.

Book a consultation with Dr. Aurora DeJuliis to learn how we can help you “love your skin and look your best!”


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